Monday, February 23, 2009

Summary of my reading habits

Hi everyone, it is me again, in reference to Mr S blog on reading habits, I will be going to We read .com to create my own account and I will post my top ten books of all time with some book reviews.
My reading Habits are in fact qiute perculiar, I really do not like a particular type of book, as long as it is interesting and easy to understand, or, maybe contains loads of literature, you will probably see me picking up this book reading this intently.
So I would not go into details on what books I like but if you are interested, find the link at the bottom of my blog entitled my reading habits, click it and you find your screenc directed to we at the front page of my account

Reflection on Nothing But The Truth

Here I am again writing my fouth post for this blog, our teacher, Mr S had us read a book called Nothing But The Truth and all of a sudden I am here writing this blog. First of all, I would like to say that this book is in fact quite interesting and it was about a boy, Philip Malloy and how he started hating his teacher Mrs Narwin and how he was suspended for singing the star spangled banner, which of course is the United States'national anthem.(you shuld all know by now having read the book but for those who have not, well this is a piece of additional information)

The book was mainly about the story of Philip Malloy in Harrison High School and how he coped with the life there, it was also written in a different style from other books, instead, it is written from many people's point of view, and also illustrated in a way that the story is "told" from people's conversations and the school's memo's.

For those of you who have not read this book, do read it and for your sake, I will not disclose any other information regarding this book

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How life seems a lot better in Sec one

As some of you might know who I am, maybe most through something which is kind of a major clue, though I assume not many no who I am as I am not really famous.

My topic for today would be, most likely something that is related to the above title, yes you may have guessed it, it is life in Sec one. Well I can tell you it is indeed great and although I cannot reveal the school, I would say that the school is good, the facilities are acceptable and the education, the teachers there know their stuff. It was actually a big change for me as you might know or experienced this that it is quite a jump from Primary School to Secondary one. The facilities in particular are better in a sense that the school knows that we are older and we appreciate this good facilities more than we did in Primary School.

What would be surprising would be wanting to turn back and look at our old memories but whats the use, we cannot change history as history is already made.