Tuesday, January 13, 2009

R.B.P and the war in Gaza

Hey guys just to let you know what are the R.B.P, there are actually ten of them but unfortunately, I don't have the current list with me so I will just post up my reflections on Gaza.

The war in gaza is really terrible and I mean that Israel and the HAMAS have got to sort out issues between themselves, why does Israel have to fight this out with the HAMAS who doesn't even have its own country, and what's wrong with giving up Gaza? Its just a piece of small land situated at Israel's border. In my opinion, I think the people of Israel are in the wrong and so are the HAMAS, the palestines. The Palestines should stop firing rockets into Israel, it will provoke them instead of driving them back and who says that when you are provoked, you have to be all steamed up about it and start invading your enemies and destroy their homes. The HAMAS will eventually run out of supplies and if their enemies cut off their supplies, then they will be gone for.

All I hope is that someone will end this war.

If any of you are interested in Gaza videos, go to Channel News Asia or BBC (the reporters speak Queen's English)


  1. I agree with the fact that this war is horrible. But your point about giving up Gaza makes no sense...to you it might be a little piece of land...to 1000's this is HOME...how would you feel if someone told you that you should give up your tiny piece of land that you live on...that you grew up on...that your GRANDPARENTS were BORN on...think about it.

    Israel is a BIG BULLY that needs to STOP! They are addicted to power and are committing GENOCIDE against the Palestinian people! Hamas is the only entity that is protecting them and that is why they might be getting more support from ppl...Israel keeps killing them...they will never try to protect the Palestinian people...so who else are the ppl supposed to look to? The world is looking on in awe as Israel unleashes its MONSTER and all you can say is the ppl should give up their land??? It's not about land...it's about LIFE...it's about HOPE...Palestinians have the right to live in peace!

    The news makes you think things that aren't as they seem...Palestine was Palestine before Israel was Israel...they came into Palestine 60 years ago and TOOK IT OVER! Can you imagine a stranger, knocking on your door and KICKING YOU OUT of your HOME?! Killing your family and then you expect these ppl to be ok with it????!!! Unbelievable. Thank you for your post...but please think about things as if you were in their skin...what would you do if the faces of Gaza were replaced with pictures of your own family members? It would be completely horrific...this is how we should think of others...what would you do if it were you.

  2. Israel did withdraw from Gaza at 2005, but the reason why there is still conflict between Israel and Hamas is that Hamas not only want Gaza. They want Jerusalem, which they believe is their Holy Ground.
